Chicago’s Bottom Lounge had the pleasure of welcoming back You Me At Six to the city after being absent for over 4 years. As lead singer Josh Franceschi lead the bands walk onto the stage, the crowd met the sound of each step with nothing less than cheers that rattled the walls. They opened up their set with “Fast Forward” the first track off of their latest album VI. An eager electric energy was felt throughout the room as the intense flowing versus built up tension before making way to the sirening drums and guitars that awaited in the chorus.
With each beat, the air become filled with screams and arms, moving to the motion of each lyric. This explosive energy continued through the night as You Me At Six pulled out classics such as “Reckless and “Loverboy” off their 2011 album Sinners Never Sleep. Red lights hit the crowds face creating a perfect coupling to the two songs high energy melodies making it seemingly impossible to resist whipping your hair around alongside the masses.
As You Me At Six rocked through their set, things slowed down as they reached “Take on the World.” A brotherly love fell over the crowd as strangers threw arms around strangers and phone lights reached upward to the ceiling; creating You Me At Six’s very own night sky inside the Bottom Lounge. The meaningful lyrics softly wrapped around the crowd while single tears streamed down cheeks and smiles crept across faces making an experience no less than unforgettable. The set ended off channeling the same high energy that had been prevalent all night with the help of the blaring guitars in “Bite my tongue.” In one final show of emotion people threw their whole bodies into each hit of the drum and and the crowd swayed intensely side to side in a tidal wave of cheering and singing up until the very last cymbal crash.
By: Jennifer Machuca | Exclusively for @Music, Why Not!