Where did you get the inspiration behind “be somebody”? How personal is the song to you?
I got inspiration from watching people around me not embrace who they truly are, and the genuine potential they have being wasted because they tried to portray someone they really aren’t. It’s not as personal to me, but I hope people will find some peace when they listen to it!
Colombia has such a rich and grand music scene? What are some Colombian or even Latin artists you look up to?
I love Shakira, she was born in Barranquilla like myself, and I admire how hard she worked to get where she is today, she is very inspiring and I definitely look up to her.
When you were going into the studio did you have a solid idea of what you wanted the new song to sound like? Or did the sound develop as you were working on songs in the studio?
It depended on the day, sometimes I came in with a clear image or reference for a song, but other days we just let the song unwrap on its own.
What got you into writing music? What do you hope people get from your songs?
I started writing music when I started my career at 15, and I hope people will find comfort in the lyrics I sing, and that they can relate to them in the best way possible.

What can fans expect from “heart” in comparison to your previous releases?
Heart is a slower, more personal song in comparison to “be somebody”. It’s one of my favorites and I hope everyone really loves it.
How have you stayed creative during quarantine?
Yes! I’ve been writing poems, journaling, playing the guitar, and writing songs as well.
What is your dream musical collaboration?
Paul McCartney or Adele.
First collection of live music?
I think my first concert was Justin Bieber.
Song that reminds you of home?
“Devuelveme A Mi Chica” by Hombres G.
Any last words you’d like to tell your fans and the people who will be reading this interview?
Stay tuned for what’s coming! I hope you enjoy my music as much as I do. Always choose love!