Music, Why Not!

Adam and Elvis

Rock is in the family for Adam & Elvis. The pair that started it all consists of Patrick and Tom Malone. The two have an incredible sense of style when it came to formulating their new album “Through Snow and Small Talk” with other bandmates Steve Wraight and Dan Robershaw. The strange synth-induced album keeps you drawn in, but you want to keep listening for more. Keep your eye on Adam & Elvis. They have major potential to be something great. The latest single, ‘She Bites Mosquitoes” is a killer track. I didn’t know what I was expecting when I first listened, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear it.

The band said, “It feels good to have it out there, I like the song, but having old songs waiting to be released whilst writing new ones, it does begin to feel like something blocking the drains. As an artist I hope the song relieves some younger and emotional souls and makes the slightly older smirk and think about sillier and more dramatic times.” The band worked together to create something that was truly theirs. Patrick of the duo said, “Me & Tom worked on the nightshift through a lot of it so that we could have uninterrupted access to the studio so I learnt that we can be determined when we need to be, but I also learnt how few people call us, which in truth helped make the album. Tom tried a lot of new things with the production so he found a lot of things that worked and a few that didn’t.” One of my favorite tracks on the album is “Darker Than Black.” It kind of reminds me of when I was watching “Across The Universe.” It is truly unique song which brings me back to the older styles of rock, while making it modern with synth work. This is music I’d like to play while going to work. It immedietly envelops me into their world of rock. We end the album review with a fun round of questions getting to know who the band is.

MWN: Who is your dream collaboration can be a producer, band, and other musicians?

Adam and Elvis: If they let Phil Spector out, which I don’t think they should, then I’d like to have him produce an album for us. A really mad one like Leonard Cohen’s ‘Death of a Ladies Man.’

MWN: What’s your favorite festival you’ve played so far and why?

Adam and Elvis: Y-not festival was fun, anytime we’ve played up north it’s been messy and wonderful. That festival we did 3 sets on this tiny stage next to the cigarette stand and we didn’t have one guitar tuner between the whole band.

MWN: A bit of random fire round questions. If you had to play an instrument in a symphony what would it be?

Adam and Elvis: I would play a grand piano because they don’t have to sit in the midst of all the talented individuals, they sit separately, and I am a narcissist I suppose.

MWN: First recollection of live music? Saw the Stranglers live and my mate got strangled for going too crazy. True story. Favorite love song?

Adam and Elvis: ‘Aint no cure for love’ by Leonard Cohen. The last verse makes me cry without tears after a bottle of wine.

MWN: What is one musical event or recording you wish you had been alive to see or hear in person?

Adam and Elvis: I think Bukowski was hanging about with Lennon when he was recording ‘Imagine,’ I’d have liked to be around then to talk rubbish and get hammered with those two. I don’t like the album, but I wouldn’t want to interrupt a great album or steal ideas.

MWN: Any last thoughts?

Adam and Elvis: Check out “Through Snow and Small Talk.” If you’re into synth-rock with a vibe only they can provide. Can’t wait to hopefully catch a show when I’m in London next year. It’ll be a show worth remembering.

Interview By: Allison Wyrsch & Maria Limon | Exclusively for @Music, Why Not! – All Rights Reserved-


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