Thursday night Houstonians were blessed with a blast from the past with an iconic lineup at one of Houston’s finest venues, 713 Music Hall. Bush, Jerry Cantrell, Candlebox, and Bones UK were here and ready to give us a true blissful experience filled with nostalgic throwback jams we all know and love. Many, including myself, have been at the edge of our seats with eagerness since the tour was announced back in January and as someone who has already seen Bush, Candlebox, and Jerry Cantrel live… I already knew of what was yet to come with this highly anticipated show and was stoked beyond control.

First up we had London originated trio Bones UK, and holy hell… let me tell you, these talented three have energy like I’ve never seen before. Even after having difficulties with sound during the first song and a half, they still managed to somehow achieve getting the crowd as rowdy as possible. Bones UK played a quick six song setlist including my personal favorites “Choke”, “Beautiful Is Boring”, and David Bowie’s “I’m Afraid Of Americans” before ending their performance with their most popular hit “Pretty Waste”. Bones UK should definitely be known for their unique sound with those grungy and raw vocals along with the obvious killer guitar work… This is a band who radiates with their empowerment and feminist lyrical aspects and their “IDGAF” attitude. They were an absolute blast to see live, and I personally wish their set could have been a little longer. 

Seattle’s finest Candlebox was next and this was probably who I was excited for the most to see again, these dudes are just so incredible. I shouldn’t even really have to explain why either… They are by far the best dose of those 90’s soul sounds anyone could get, in my honest opinion. As the band joined the stage immediately jumping into “Arrow” the crowd was absolutely thrilled and already screaming alongside them. Talented vocalist Kevin Martin was pacing back and forth onstage energetically and was obviously thrilled to be there up in front of us fans. Candlebox had a somewhat short set with nine songs – six of those being from their explosive 93’ debut self titled album. I feel a huge part of the reason i love this band so much and that they will always be special to me in a way because that of that debut album and the fact that it came out a month before i was born and my parents would put their stereo box or headphones right up to my mothers pregnant belly and play it hours on end. I guess I was destined to be a Candlebox fan straight out of the womb LOL. “Dont You”, “Cover Me”, and “Change” were obvious hits with the crowd that night and by the time their set ended with “Far Behind” and my personal favorite “You”, I couldn’t even contain my emotions. I was fan-girling hard that night… tears in the eyes and everything. Even after all these years Candlebox still sounds just as on point and tight as ever and you can’t help but have that little emotional moment while watching them perform all of their classic songs. 

Jerry Cantrell followed Candlebox’s fabulous set, and I was also ecstatic to be able to witness this one. Many know of Jerry from another one of Seattle’s legendary band’s Alice In Chains, but some are oddly not aware of his own solo side project. Jerry Cantrell’s band consists of a whole lineup of other talented musicians including Greg Puciato, Roy Mayorga, Lola Colette, Eliot Lorango, and Zach Throne… who all seemed to pull their weight at this show and give it their best. The band played two singles “Vilified” and “Afterglow” from their newest album “I want Blood” which is set to be released on October 18th of this year. Also joining the setlist that night was surprisingly four popular Alice In Chains including “Them Bones”, “Man In The Box”, “Would?”, and ending their set with “Rooster”. I figured there would be at least one or two Alice In Chains tracks to be played but definitely didn’t expect it to be a whopping four out of the ten songs played.. Either way, the crowd was living for it, and everyone was having a pretty grand time singing along especially to those four well known tracks. Despite having to pause the show due to a health incident within the crowd which caused for a shorter set, Jerry Cantrell’s performance was full of moody, grungy, with that little spark of rage which made for the perfect blended chaos that happened within the crowd and without a doubt added to the nostalgic vibes that were within the venue that night. 

By the time we knew it, it was time for what most attendees were there and ready to see… It was time for good ol’ 90’s heartthrobs and London originated band – Bush. As stated before, i’ve seen and covered Bush several times already, and every single time they still manage to blow my mind with how as soon as they walk on that stage, their energy transforms into the crowd and things just go wild from that very first note played, and in which this case was luckily my all time favorite song “Everything Zen”. Look, yall, it’s not easy being a concert photographer and a fan at the same time, i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve been in the predicament where i can’t focus on photographing because the band you are photographing is either having me headbang along or in a complete fan-girl trance. This was one of those times for me. “Machine Head”, “The Chemicals Between Us”, “The Sound Of Winter”, and “Swallowed” all played relentlessly with each and every human in that venue screaming at the top of their lungs alongside them. Vocalist Gavin Rosdale pulled everyone into the moment with his powerful vocals and raw emotion. Each band member up on that stage played with such dramatic precision almost as if it was the first time they ever played before. Bush really knows exactly how to connect with their audience on a deep level and it was definitely obvious that night. With their wide range variety sixteen song setlist, they ended their show with four encores including “More Than Machines”, The Beatles cover “Come Together”, “Glycerine”, and of course “Comedown”. I have to say, this is by far one of my top five shows of the year and reminded me of how every time i see these guys live, they leave me in complete awe. Bush is still one of the best bands out there, and that night, they proved they are not going anywhere anytime soon. 





Photos + Review by Krystie Archer | Exclusively for Music, Why Not!