Music, Why Not!

George Ezra @ Showbox SoDo – Seattle, WA

Packing out the Showbox SoDo is no small feat. George Ezra did just that and brought along Noah Kahan to open for him. Noah walks out in a timid manner. He quickly explains that he is feeling under the weather and hopes the performance goes well. All nerves leave as soon as he starts his first song. The crowd helps him through.

George Ezra has a brotherly stage presence. You trust him, and know him all too quickly. George is great at transporting the crowd back to the places he has written songs. Giving insight to many of his most popular tunes right before performing them. It allowed the crowd to connect with him on a deeper level. George Ezra released a new album at the end of March. Give a listen here. Keep up with his tour dates here.


Noah Kahan

By: Nicolita Bradley | Exclusively for @Music, Why Not! | All Rights Reserved |
