Music, Why Not!

Lucille Furs: Debut Album


Like most bands, their name does not necessarily explain the sound one would expect; Lucille Furs does just that. Opening with the gothic tones of  “The Fawn of Teal Deer”, Lucille Furs draws in its listeners and quickly transforms the rest of the song into a narrative by embellishing frontman Trevor Pritchett’s dream-like voice with their combination of psychedelia and classic rock.

Lucille Furs has described themselves as “ an amalgamation of people and experiences”  which is highly evident in their penchant for storytelling. Tracks including “Sunset Moon”, “Carrie & Judy”, and “Baby Blaise” tell vivid recounts of attraction, confusion, and criticism.  Their lyrical wit provides an effortless ability to create infectious music. Guitarist Nick Dehmlow’s effervescent melodies intricately collide with the driving beats of bassist Patrick Tsotsos. Organ player Constantine Haistailis highlights the mood of each song and drummer Brendan Peleo-Lazar ties the band as a whole through his relentless pulsating rhythms.  Their blends of different genres versus a contained straightforward sound makes them a notable band to keep up with. There is nothing monotonous about the album. The vibrant as well as mindful  transitions from song to song are carefully crafted.



  1. The Fawn of Teal Deal
  2. Carrie & Judie
  3.  Thoughts & Words
  4. Does It Matter To You
  5. Pink Noise
  6. Alabaster Crayon
  7.  Sunset Moon
  8. Please, Give Her This Letter
  9. Baby Blaise
  10. In Saṃsāra
  11. Our Lady of Perpetual Frustration
  12. Between Us Two – Saw You

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