Music, Why Not!

Night Traveler @ Aisle 5 – Atlanta, GA

Night Traveler and Vacation Manor started a co-headlining tour a little over a week ago and it rolled through Atlanta on October 18th. Attendees quickly filled Aisle 5 in preparation for the show.  

It turned out that most people in attendance mainly previously knew Vacation Manor, but that did not stop anyone from having a good time. Heads were bopping and bodies swaying as people were introduced to Night Traveler.  

The band consists of Adam Fischer and Hunter Glaske, both switching off who sings and they both play guitar. At one point, an audience member was shouting encouraging words and Fischer joked that they planted her in the audience. Mentions of a ‘talkative bunch’ got more to join in in-between song banter. And personal stories such as one about the first song they wrote, being played for the first time in the rain to two people is now being played in front of a room of people and how exciting it was. Their song “Burn” was a hit and made the crowd erupt into chaos. Night Traveler definitely gained a heckle of new fans.  

Vacation Manor got the crowd to roar as they took the stage. Playing hits from their newest and self titled album, the crowd stayed in tune. A story about their horrible travel day got sympathy and laughs. Bad luck with locking the keys in the band van and getting run off the road -twice- was made worth it by Atlanta’s crowd. More stories about songs kept the crowd interested. Vacation Manor was also tickled by words of encouragement shouted from the audience.  

So, Atlanta brought the heat as Night Traveler and Vacation Manor’s co-headlining tour blew through Aisle 5. Goody words shouted by patrons and dancing bodies all made for a great night.  



Review + Photos by Joanna Barronton | Exclusively for @Music,Why Not!

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