Has it ever happened to you- when you come across something new and knew without a doubt it was going to be something great. I guess I have a sixth sense when it comes to scouting good music. Call me crazy, but sometimes my heart just knows when an artist and their music is true and genuine.When you hear a band talk about their music in an electrifying/ passionate/ heartwarming way- you know they are in it for the love of the art and not for the fame and money. It is sad to see artificial musicians talk about the artificial music they perform. No connection, no feelings, just another way to generate millions of dollar off of people that forgot what good music is. I read an article in NME magazine that talked about Noel Gallagher’s shock when finding out Emilie Sande won the songwriting award. It was not the fact that she won- it was the amount of people that got up to receive this award. Eight people received the award…. EIGHT PEOPLE for ONE SONG…… I mean I guess that is how songs are developed now a days. Only four were named as the winners, but I repeat it took eight people to write that one songs. That freaks me out. I can’t grasp how the artist’s vision wouldn’t get lost in that process- with all those people manipulating the song. I guess I like intimate music. I like it when bands write the music they put out on their own. Songwriting is very challenging. You are allowing yourself to talk about a moment in your life when you were vulnerable. You are revisiting emotions, and most of all you put your heart/ soul whichever you want it to be all on the line. Once you write a song there is no hiding who you are. How are you going to fully let your emotions shine through if seven other people are helping you.
No Rehearsal is an upcoming band based in Huston, TX. Their music is 100% their music. Three guys with a dream to play stadiums. Can they do it? I think they most certainly can. How do I know this? I don’t, but I can see that they play music because they love it. The fame, the fortune, the glamour does not partake in their decision to be musicians. Their songs vary from talking about heartbreak to sympathizing with an artist career. Their music made just by them. Instrumentals- let me just tell you they have some badass guitar riffs. Passionet, yes very much. They are a good example of what a working class band should be. What I mean by this- Is that they are making their dreams a reality not buy selling their souls to a record label, but by staying true to their craft and working hard. No Rehearsal is a band you should check it out! (BTW- YES they rehearse- you can hear it by the quality of their music…!) Click below to watch our exclusive interview with 2/3 of the band!
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