Music, Why Not!

Passenger @ The House of Blues- Dallas

Passenger -12Austin Texas is known as the capitol of music in Texas,but Dallas does not miss out on the amazing talented acts that pass through the cities. On Wednesday the House of Blues housed the English singer songwriter Michael David Rosenberg- known as Passenger. His music conveys emotion in all aspects of the word. It is nice to hear a singer really strip down there sound to create an intimate moment with the audience. His performance in Dallas was truly one for the books. He carried on the night signing tune from his first album. It was to learn the meaning of a few of his songs through the stories he would tell in between tunes. His songs talk about way more than heartbreak; they talk about the many people his meet through his musical journey. He is best known for the famous song we have all shamelessly sang in the shower- “Let Her Go.” It is without a doubt that he is more than that song. He is a musician filled with amazing stories and beautiful melodies to go along with them. I absolutely recommend to see him live.

Photography & Writing By: Maria Limon (Instagram @marialimonn)


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