Passenger’s performance at The Wiltern in Los Angeles last night was nothing short of captivating. From the moment Mike Rosenberg (aka Passenger) stepped onto the stage, the crowd was swept up in the emotional depth of his music and his genuine connection with the audience.

Passenger opened the show with “All the Little Lights” and “Life’s for the Living,” Passenger’s acoustic-driven sound filled the iconic venue with a warm, intimate atmosphere. His voice—raw and emotive—carried beautifully through the venue, striking a chord with everyone in the audience. What makes Passenger stand out is not just his music, but his storytelling. Between songs, he shared personal anecdotes, adding a heartfelt layer to the experience that made it feel like a conversation rather than just a performance.

The stage setup was minimal, allowing the focus to remain on the music. The stage’s lighting design was just gorgeous. The lighting moved along with the music, pulsating to the sounds of the guitar. Draped behind Passenger were twinkle lights that helped carry us into a different world following the music and storytelling. Such stunning light designs throughout the night. 

Standing solo underneath the beautiful lights was just Passenger and his guitar. The audience was fully engaged, singing along to well-known hits and swaying to his more melancholic tracks. 

What made the night even more special was Passenger’s rapport with the crowd. He cracked jokes, bantered with fans, and genuinely seemed to enjoy every moment of being on stage. The authenticity of his presence created a sense of connection, making the large venue feel surprisingly intimate.

When Passenger launched into the opening chords of “Let Her Go,” the energy in The Wiltern shifted. The entire crowd seemed to recognize the song instantly, and within seconds, the room was filled with thousands of voices joining in. By the time the chorus hit, the crowd’s harmonized singing echoed through the venue, creating an unforgettable moment. Everyone in the room was singing from the heart.

By the end of the evening, Passenger had taken the audience on an emotional journey—one filled with laughter, introspection, and moments of pure joy. His encore performance left the crowd on their feet, cheering for more. 

Overall, Passenger’s show at The Wiltern was a heartfelt night of acoustic storytelling. You don’t want to miss him if he plays in a city near you!


Photos + Review by Natasha Agharabi | Exclusively for Music, Why Not!