We have the opportunity to talk with Sergio Acosta, Zoé’s guitarist, and we spoke about their tour for the U.S. and Canadá, their recent Grammy award and the creative process of their last album Aztlán, keep reading to know more about it.
MWN: How do you feel after winning the Grammy for Best latin rock album and what it represents for you both personally and musically?
Sergio Acosta: The truth is that we aren’t aware a lot for this kind of awards, but it cames as a surprise. Yes, we knew we were nominated but we never thought that we would win and being the Grammys of the American academy I think it has a quite important resonance and yes, we are very happy with the award definitely, I also believe that it fells at a great moment just before starting this tour we are doing in the United States,
MWN: How was the creative process for Aztlán, what did you get inspired for it?
Sergio Acosta: It was a process of many months of composing and making models in the studio, basically we wanted to make an album more organic, more transparent and I think we did it.
MWN: How do you think that Zoé has grown from its beginnings until today?
Sergio Acosta:I think that Zoé is a band that have always sought its sonic identity and this album personally for me is where most have been achieved and there is simply a natural evolution that has everything to do with the experience, as well as composers, producers, work in the studio, where fortunately we feel more comfortable, we have more knowledge and we know how to work better to achieve what we want.
MWN: What do you like most about playing in the United States and Canada?
Sergio Acosta: Is a big surprise playing in places you have never played before, like Atlanta in this tour, and seeing so many fans there, I think this tour it’s very interesting because being a double cartel, a Canadian band and a Mexican it’s like a chance to share audiences and a chance to people know us.
MWN: You have released three music videos, tell us a little bit about them?
Sergio Acosta: Each video is different, León directed the last one but we try not to be literal with the song and look for some kind of metaphor or symbolism, something that can convey the idea in a different way.
MWN: Why did you choose Metric and July Talk to play with you on this tour?
Sergio Acosta: We were looking for someone from the anglo market who would like the idea and everyone with whom we spoke, we thought that with them we could make an interesting dynamic was with them.
MWN: Finally we talked about the last concerts in Mexico, in June 28th and 29th at the Auditorio Nacional and the Zoé’s guitarist told us that they are going to plane a special night also with Metric as an opener and after finishing this tour they are going to take a break, not too long. So follow them closely and don’t miss their music, if you have the chance to see them at a concert, do it.
Interview by: Berenice Yines | Exclusively for @Music, Why Not!