Music, Why Not!

The Cuckoos

MWN: Let’s go back to the roots of you guys as a band. Can you guys tell me how you came together to create music?

The Cuckoos: We all met through rock camp and mutual friends. Dave came to a show with a different group of guys I was playing with and we met there, then he joined the group. Cole and Eric were friends with Dave and they joined back in August of 2016.

MWN: I think that the music we like at an early age has a lot to do with what surrounds us at home, but as we grow into our own states we start developing our own likes. So who would you say are some artists you grew up listening to and also grew into liking on your own?

The Cuckoos: A lot of artists we are influenced by are groups like Pink Floyd, Joy Division, The Doors, Smashing Pumpkins, Talking Heads, Prince, Rick James, The Flaming Lips and The Smiths. We listen to a whole lot of music.

MWN: Now you guys have such a different sound with your music. I love the psychedelic vibe mixed with the rock undertones. So why did you decide to create this sort of sound with your music?

The Cuckoos: Our goal has always been to create music that makes us feel as good as music has made us feel. Because of that, I think a lot of our influences come through in our music. It sounds the way it does because that’s just how we express ourselves. We just play music that we dig and hope others dig it as well.

MWN:  I think the tune “Stranger in Your Eyes” is incredible. It’s catchy, the instrumentals are super clean, the vocals are killer. So what was the production process like for this song and creatively how did it come together.

The Cuckoos: “Stranger In Your Eyes” is the first song I wrote. I saw Tame Impala at ACL in 2013 and immediately went home and started writing. At the time I was listening to Dead Mans Bones and Strange Days a lot and wanted to make a kind of spooky sounding song. Once the group got together we jammed it up a notch.

MWN:  Your music is a buzz within the rock community. With your solid work in music you guys have been mentioned in various publications as the “best new thing we got”. You were even mentioned in the iconic magazine, The Classic Rock Magazine. How does it feel to know your music is having such a positive impact in the rock community?

The Cuckoos: We’re glad people are enjoying everything we’ve been doing and we’re really excited to create a lot more music. We just want to rock and roll.

MWN: For me there are artists I wish I could have been able to see perform live- such as John Lennon or AC/DC (with their original singer Bon Scott). So for you guys who would be an artist you would have liked to see live?

The Cuckoos: John Lennon, Joy Division, Prince, Syd Barrett, Randy Rhodes

MWN: Dead or alive; an artist you would have liked to just play with?

The Cuckoos: Dead: Bowie. Alive: Kevin Parker

MWN: Lastly is there anything you would like to say to the people who have supported your music?

The Cuckoos: Thank you of course. And stay tuned for more wacky things.


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