We recently caught up with the drummer from the alternative rock band The Hunna, Jack Metcalfe. The band has finally returned touring, after fighting a battle with their old management. The group is coming back strong, releasing new music, being active on social media and currently in the states supporting Barns Courtney on his North American 404 Tour.
MWN: Hey Jack, how are you doing? We met briefly in Chicago on the night you guys played at Park West. It was incredible by the way.
The Hunna: Yeah, that was cool night. Thanks for coming out.
MWN: Totally, well I wanted to start off by asking… during the difficult time when you were parting ways with High Time, what was your relationship like your fans?

The Hunna: Everything is good, we’re really happy to be back on tour. It’s been a long time since we have been here. Yeah being with Barns. He was with us in our U.K tour and now we’re back in the states supporting him out here.
MWN: I know most of your tour dates were rescheduled. You were expected in the US last year and in the U.K you recently played a tour of rescheduled dates. Was there any anxiety coming back on stage after all that or did it feel more like a fresh start?
The Hunna: No anxiety. Just happy to be back. It’s more of like an overdue feeling. Just excited to see the fans. Everyone was really understanding and supportive. Just to be back it’s more excitement.
MWN: Yeah, I think it’s safe to say for everyone that we’re very happy to have you guys back.
The Hunna: Thank you!
MWN: Y the show from this past Wednesday was crazy. There was hair everywhere and everyone was loving it. With all that energy you guys I was reading that you guys wrote your last album Dare in just two weeks. I would imagine that it must have been extremely difficult considering albums to take months to craft. Going into the studio for that one did you have an idea of what you wanted the album to sound like? Sonically or lyrically?
The Hunna: Yeah we had a lot of tunes already prepared before we went in. It was more the recording of them that was very quick. The second album we learned more from the first album. Some of the songs were written before the first album was released. We just refreshed them. Some that came before the album were much heavier like Dare like with the guitar riffs. It definitely got a bit heavier but we did have some sad songs like Lover. But yeah, it was a crazy quick process. But we were happy about getting it out.
MWN: So what is your favorite song off this album? Like one, you’ve enjoyed performing live off of Dare?
The Hunna: It’s gotta be “Y.D.W.I.W.M (you won’t want it with me)” just because it’s grungy, it’s heavy. Like You can get the crowd involved. It’s just so much fun to play live because it’s crazy.
MWN: I wanted to know what was the studio atmosphere was like when working with the well known John Feldmann?
The Hunna: As a band, we’re gonna go in together straight to LA after the tour and record album 3. We are really excited. He’s a well respected dude in the industry. Goldfinger. He’s a legend. The last song on the set we’ve not yet recorded and I get high are gonna be on the album as well. It’s definitely kind of a heavier,edgier, punkyier, but also bringing in other elements as well. Some darker tones because of our past and what we had to go through to get to the other side with management and label. Yeah there’s lots to talk about and it’s gonna be awesome to work with him and we’re ready to get it done.
MWN: yeah your songs are really explosive in sound. They’re very grand. Like they are made for big arenas. So I was wondering when you’re in the studio creating your songs, do you go into it thinking about how it’s going to sound live? Or do you come up with an idea and run with it?
The Hunna: It’s kind of a mix of everything really. It’s always kind of been in the corner of our eye, we’re aware of what’s gonna play well live. That’s what we are we’re a live rock band so it has to make sense and work for us in a natural way. But then obviously you know we also think about current time and think about what we’re going through and how we can stand out and be different but also appeal to the current time and ya know keep it the hunna sound. We think about all these many factors. And also just kind of doing what feels right for us really .
MWN: Oh I see. In relation to your live performances I wanted to Congratulate you for recently playing the main stage Main Stage at Reading & Leeds. How was that like? WHat was going on in your mind while you were up there
The Hunna: It was crazy. It was a tricky one. Like for it was a dream come true. The crowd was overwhelming but there was also that feeling of finally we’re here. We’ve worked so hard to get on that stage. It was quite surreal as well and fun just fun to play to so many people. We’re going for that big arena feel and we’re a big loud rock band so we feel like the bigger the better. It was an amazing weekend for us.
MWN: going back to the process of recording your third album, What’s it like playing unreleased music on tours or at festivals? Do the reactions you get from fans shape the album?
The Hunna: Fan feedback is amazing. If fans are happy we are happy. But at the same time we’re all big music lovers with eclectic tastes we kind of do more of what we think will work. If we love it, we hope the fans will love it. That’s kind of the stage. I think it’s important to not get too distracted on everything. For example the new song at the end of the set. No one’s really heard it before. Everyone is loving it. Some fans have said It’s killer or that It goes super hard. So it’s kind of nice to just do your think and get feedback.
The Hunna: You recently released IGHTF on the 21st of this month. It sounds a bit darker than your usual tunes is this due to what you mentioned earlier about what you went through with your previous management.
The Hunna: In a way, it’s sort of an end of a chapter, and the beginning of a new one. It all kinda blended into one. It explains how we feel, we’ve been under legal battles for a long time and we were not able to release music for a long time. I guess it was just our way to kind of express what had just happened. Things were dark because of what went through in our past and treated in the industry. We just want to move on and we have so much more to give. Just moving forward we want to express new things. We’ve got a big story to tell on the next album.
MWN: I know we’re all very excited to hear it. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you enjoy the rest of the tour! Looking forward to album number 3!
Interview by: Maria Limon & Jennifer Machuca | Exclusively for @Music, Why Not!