Music, Why Not!

The Sweeplings

Music, it has a way of finding its way into the deepest part of your heart. If it is powerful enough it awakens your emotions and fills your soul. It helps those feelings that make your heart heavy escape and gives you a sense of relief. The beauty in music-strong and well composed music, is that it can be interpreted in many different ways, yet it can unite a magnitude of people. Now, please do not get me wrong. Strong music does not have to be hard core heavy metal. Soft music can be just as powerful. The simple yet relatable lyrics and the soft weeping melodies stay in your heart forever and that is beauty of certain songs. In fact, that is the magic the due The Sweeplings have with their music. When I first heard one of their song on a promo for the show The Fosters playing on Freeform- I was immediately “musically enchanted.” I love the powerful chorus from the song “In Too Deep,” sang in a beautiful and delicate voice, almost sounding fragile in the most beautiful possible way. The sweetness that comes from the guitar and the piano make you feel as if you were sitting on a peaceful beach staring into a deep blue sea. It is hard to find music with powerful lyrics that is soft enough to take you to a totally peaceful state of mind. I had the chance to talk with Cami and Whitney the power duo that form The Sweeplings. Their enchanting melodies combined with sweet soft vocals make their music a true gem in this crazy world, but like always don’t take my word for it check out our interview with them below. I can assure you will want to hear more from them!

MWN: Hello guys! thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today. Alrighty, lets get to it so where did your passion for playing music come from? Specifically who inspired each of you?

The Sweeplings (Whitney): I have always loved music. As I got older I realized that I had a talent of being able to put words to melodies so I ended up going to college for that, and i meet a lot of influential people along the way. I think the most important piece of the puzzle for me would be the serendipity that God has given me to meet the right people in my life that led me to this point, and probably as silly as it may me be my mom for putting me in the environment she had me in as a kid and as I grew up to be so involved with music.

MWN: I love that you mention that your mom played an influential part in your shaping as a musician. I think it is very cool when we can are able to develop our talents and be inspired by our parents. Now another important aspect of a band is the name. So how was the name The Sweeplings born?

The Sweeplings (Cami): It is a made up word. Ling is a prefix and then we write sweepy melodies. So we are two people that write sweepy melodies!

MWN: I love that the name sounds delicate and beautiful just like the music you guys make! So, finding the right sound as an artist is really important when forming a band.

The Sweeplings (Cami): It is really funny we get asked this all the time. We really feel like we do not have influence from anything specific. The way that Whitney and I sing together and started writing just kind of happened. It was natural and our sound is very similar to that. We feel like we both bring something unique to the table and we don’t have to think too hard about it. We are not purposely trying to be a folk band or write melodies that are something specific- we write what we love, and our life and that created our sound. We want to write music that is relatable and that people can grab on easily- we call it digestible. It does not have a genre it just happens. It is all just natural and we just hope people can relate.

MWN: As far as the writing process goes- how does that work?

The Sweeplings (Cami): It depends- someone comes up with a melody and we work from that. Or sometimes I have an idea and we go from that also. It varies I would say. There is other times when we just sit and have a story in mind and we write around that. It is born from cami’s voice and a guitar.

MWN: Now I know your song “In to Deep” was featured on the show The Fosters in Freeform. How did that feel when you guys were contacted for that?

The Sweeplings (Cami): We had been in partnership with Freeform for a while. When we got the call knowing we were going to be on Pretty Little Liars and The Foster was awesome. Having your  music be a part of a show is incredible.

MWN: When you guys are ready to release new music what emotions do you feel?

The Sweeplings (Whitney): Yes, we play our music for our spouses. We run it past them to the point of nauseation. Haha- We make sure they like it and think that it is cool. We make sure at the very least the four of us- being cami and her husband and my wife and I believe in it and we can stand behind it, and we hope the world likes it.

MWN: I think your music is very much relatable and beautiful. Actually one of my favorite songs is Goodbye. “When the star light fades, right alongside you I’ll bring you back from anywhere. If you’ll do the same, there’s no end here.” Can you guys tell me a little bit more about this song?

The Sweeplings (Whitney): That song took a journey. We started out with it and played it for my wife. She said the song was fine. It is not good enough yet she added. We re-wrote it and it just happens that in the process we were able to take it three levels higher than the original. We wanted to dive deep into the concept and push the limits.

MWN: It is a beautiful song! Now my last question: From today to the end of 2016 what do you guys hope to accomplish with your music?

The Sweeplings: We are looking forward to new music and new content for our fans! The next to months are just preparation for us! We are really excited and thrilled for 2017.

MWN: Awesome! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to speak with me! Looking forward to hearing new things from The Sweeplings next year!

Check out The Sweeplings on social media by clicking the links below:


Official Site






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