Music, Why Not!

Why Buying Records should Forever be a Thing!

We live in a world where music is so accessible now. With the creation of YouTube, ITunes, Spotify, we often forget what buying an actual record is like. I recently rekindled my love with the idea of buying vinyls.  I had forgotten the magic of the dusty shelves in record stores that house millions of records that were once someone’s most priced position. The brilliance of vinyls goes beyond explanation. A needle hits against a plastic disk to make your favorite tune play in a warm yet rustic tone. Sure, it’s is quite easy to push a button and have music on the go at all times. It is an essential part of life I would say, but the magic of playing a good record at home with your mates while having a smoke in the kitchen goes without comparison. The scratchiness of the sound that fills the room and the memories that are made as that needle jumps from line to line are truly unforgettable.

The sound is not the only thing that makes this unique.  It is also the process of buying records that make it truly especial. Really, one can spend hours hunting down the best deals on their favorite records. One can also spend years searching for their golden disk that is bound to be found at some garage sale in the middle of nowhere, or simply one can spend hours looking at the crazy covers that graze old pop rock records. It is safe to say that going “record” shopping; which the new generation of young music lovers are slowly bringing back, is the best activity on this planet. May I not forget to mention how especial and critical the packaging of a good old record is. Personally I would say that is my favorite part of the record.  For those who are unfamiliar with this; basically every vinyl comes in a sleeve. Inside you will (sometimes) find a paper with the lyrics of the songs on them, sometimes the biography of the band, or even the history of the record itself.  The best part of all this, is the art.  The cover art I am obsessed with!  It is witty, charming, weird, exotic, sexual, sometimes just plain scary. The best record covers are those you are too embarrassed to show your mother or grandma. It is without a doubt that vinyls make buying music especial and unique to once taste. Only the bold ones will go out of their way to buy a record of an 80’s band they’ve never heard of before.  Usually, simple music lovers yet sophisticated enough to invest their money and time on records, stick to tracking down their favorite old rock and roll records.  Whether you are into indie, jazz, blues, rock, pop, psychedelic you are dam right you will always find a record to satisfy your music taste buds.  Let us never forget the wise words of Penny Lane from Almost Famous: “If you ever get lonely just go to the record store and visit your friends.” Literally my life motto!

Yours Truly,

-Girl With The Bowie Jacket.